Does anyone know how i can find a mailing address for someone in Germany?
2006-06-10 11:52:30 UTC
I lost the address to someone I have been in contact with for nearly 3 years, you would think i would know the address by now but i don't, I know her town, name, and i'm pretty sure about her street address, but i don't know her postal code type thing. if anyone code help that would be great!
Three answers:
2006-06-10 11:59:48 UTC
Here a website where you can find people. But it's in German - hope you can use it!

It's actually for finding phone numbers but sometimes they have the addresses too!
2006-06-10 13:00:14 UTC
They have search website for Europe, You can also look in the German white Pages
2006-06-10 11:55:37 UTC

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